
Solar Water Pumping System with Auto Solar Tracking

By harish hv on 19th January 2024

Problem statement

Energy Efficiency: Conventional solar water pumping systems often lack optimal
energy utilization due to fixed solar panel orientation.
Water Scarcity: Inefficient water pumping systems contribute to water scarcity issues in
various regions.
Manual Intervention: Existing systems may require manual adjustments for solar panel
orientation, leading to inefficiencies and maintenance challenges.


Developing a solar water pumping system with an integrated auto solar tracking
mechanism to address the shortcomings of traditional setups. The system aims to
optimize energy harvesting, improve water pumping efficiency, and minimize manual
interventions. The auto solar tracking feature ensures the solar panels are always
aligned with the sun, maximizing energy generation throughout the day.


Auto Solar Tracking Mechanism
● Utilize sensors and actuators to track the sun’s position in real-time.
● Implement a control algorithm for adjusting the orientation of solar panels based
on sun movement.
Efficient Solar Energy Harvesting
● Integrate maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms to optimize energy
● Use high-efficiency solar panels and energy storage for consistent water
pumping even during low sunlight periods.
Water Pumping System:
● Employ a high-efficiency water pump with variable speed control for better
● Implement a smart controller to regulate water pumping based on demand and
solar energy availability.
Remote Monitoring and Control
● Integrate IoT capabilities for remote monitoring of system performance.
● Enable users to control and adjust system settings through a user-friendly
Robust and Sustainable Design
● Use durable materials for system components to withstand harsh environmental
● Consider a modular design for ease of maintenance and scalability.
By addressing these aspects, the proposed solar water pumping system with auto solar
tracking aims to provide an efficient, sustainable, and user-friendly solution for water
pumping needs, contributing to the alleviation of water scarcity issues.


In this study, we propose a simple but efficient, low-cost power efficient embedded system for solar based Off-Grid irrigation by orientation of the solar panel in the direction of the sun for providing the necessary power source in remote areas or in the field for irrigation where it is not possible to provide charge through a stable current supply. The solar panel is used for charging 5V supply. We have used Soil moisture sensor to sense the moisture conditions of the soil. Based on moisture sensor values, a water pump is connected to switched on and off automatically. When moisture level of the soil reaches to low, the soil moisture sensor is sending the signal to microcontroller to start the pump by using stored solar energy. At the same time, using GSM, microcontroller sends message on farmers mobile about pump status. The microcontroller receives the pump status, moisture condition of the soil and moisture and temperature in air or enclosed region and provides this information over a data acquisition device. The system can be utilized in varied domains by regulating the voltage necessary including mobile phone charging, access drip irrigation and also weather data monitoring and irrigation facilities.

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