
Automated Plant Watering System (APWS)

By harish hv on 19th January 2024

Problem statement

In today’s fast-paced world, people often struggle to find time for essential
tasks such as watering plants. Neglecting this responsibility can result in unhealthy
plants and a negative impact on the environment. Traditional watering methods are
inefficient and may lead to either overwatering or underwatering, causing stress to the
plants. There is a need for a smart and automated solution to efficiently manage plant
hydration based on soil moisture levels.


The Automated Plant Watering System (APWS) 2024 is a technologically
advanced solution designed to address the challenges associated with manual plant
watering. The system integrates soil moisture sensors, microcontrollers, and a water
dispensing mechanism to create an intelligent and automated plant care system. The
soil moisture levels are constantly monitored, and the system activates water dispensing
only when necessary, ensuring optimal hydration for the plants.


Efficient Water Management: The system ensures that plants receive water only when
needed, preventing over-watering and conserving water resources.
Improved Plant Health: By maintaining optimal soil moisture levels, the system
promotes healthy plant growth.
Time and Resource Savings: Users no longer need to manually water plants, saving
time and effort while reducing the risk of human error.
Environmentally Friendly: The system promotes sustainable water usage practices by
avoiding unnecessary watering.
The Automated Plant Watering System provides an intelligent and efficient solution to plant
care, contributing to both environmental sustainability and the ease of gardening.


In daily operations related to farming or gardening Watering is the most important cultural practice and the most labor-intensive task. No matter whichever weather it is, either too hot and dry or too cloudy and wet, you want to be able to control the amount of water that reaches your plants. Modern watering systems could be effectively used to water plants when they need it. But this manual process of watering requires two important aspects to be considered: when and how much to water. In order to replace manual activities and making gardener’s work easier, we have create automatic plant watering system. By adding automated plant watering system to your garden or agricultural field, you will help all of your plants reach their fullest potential as well as conserving water. Using sprinklers drip emitters, or a combination of both, we can design a system that is ideal for every plant in our yard. For implementation of automatic plant watering system, we have used combination of sprinkler systems, pipes, and nozzles. This project uses the ATmega328 microcontroller. It is programmed to sense moisture level of plants at particular instance of time, if the moisture content is less than specified threshold which is predefined according to particular plant’s water need then desired amount of water is supplied till it reaches threshold. Generally, plants need to be watered twice a day, morning and evening. Thus, the microcontroller is programmed to water plants two times per day. System is designed in such a way that it reports its current state as well as remind the user to add water to the tank. All this notifications are made through mobile application. We hope that through this prototype we all can enjoy having plants, without being worried about absent or forgetfulness.

1. S. V. Devika, S.K. Khamuruddeen et al., “Arduino based automated plant watering system”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, vol. 4, no. 10, October 2014.

2. Jonathan GanaKolo, “Design and Construction of an Automatic Power Changeover Switch”, AU Journal of Technology, vol. 11, no. 2, Oct. 2007.

3. S. Darshna et al., “Smart Irrigation System”, IOSR Journal of Electronics and      Communication Engineering (IOSR JECE), vol. 10, no. 3, May-Jun. 2015.

4.Jesper Sandberg and Thomas Kockholm, “iPlant: Intelligent Plant System”, SPCL-2012 — Report.

5.Vinay Bakale and Siddhesh Tolakar, “Wireless Automatic Plant Irrigation System”.
