
Advanced User Interface Design for AI-Driven Applications


Introduction to Web Development and HTML

  • Overview of web technologies
  • Understanding HTML and its role

HTML Basics

  • Document structure
  • Text elements: headings, paragraphs, lists, Table
  • Links and anchors
  • Images

HTML Forms

  • Form structure
  • Input types: text, radio, checkbox, select, etc.
  • Form validation

Multimedia and Embedding

  • Embedding audio and video
  • Working with iframes
  • HTML5 semantic elements


Introduction to CSS

  • Styling and layout
  • CSS syntax and selectors

Box Model and Layout

  • Margin, padding, border
  • Display property and positioning
  • Flexbox and Grid layout

Typography and Colors

  • Font properties
  • Colors and gradients
  • Text alignment and decoration

Responsive Design with CSS

  • Media queries
  • Fluid layouts
  • Mobile-first design


Introduction to JavaScript

  • Basic concepts and history
  • Embedding JavaScript in HTML

JavaScript Basics

  • Variables, data types
  • Operators and expressions
  • Control flow: if, else, switch

Functions and Scope

  • Function declaration and expression
  • Type of functions
  • Arguments and Parameters
  • Scope and closures
  • Callback functions

DOM Manipulation

  • Introduction to the Document Object Model
  • Selecting and modifying elements
  • Event handling

Asynchronous JavaScript

  • Introduction to callbacks and promises
  • AJAX and Fetch API


Introduction to jQuery

  • Overview of jQuery
  • Installing and using jQuery

DOM Manipulation with jQuery

  • Selectors and filters
  • Manipulating content and attributes

Event Handling with jQuery

  • Event binding
  • Animation and effects with jQuery


Introduction to Bootstrap

  • Overview of Bootstrap
  • Installing and integrating Bootstrap

Bootstrap Grid System

  • Grid classes
  • Responsive design with Bootstrap grid

Bootstrap Components

  • Navigation bars
  • Forms and input groups
  • Modals, carousels, and other components

Customizing Bootstrap

  • Theming and customization options
  • Using Bootstrap with custom styles

Duration 50 Hours

Fees 15000

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