
React JS for Progressive Web Applications

Introduction to React

  • What is React?
  • Setting up your development environment (Node.js, npm, create-react-app).
  • Creating your first React app.

JSX and Components

  • Understanding JSX and its syntax.
  • Creating and rendering React components.
  • Props and state in React components.

Component Lifecycle

  • Lifecycle methods (componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, etc.).
  • Handling events in React.
  • Conditional rendering and lists.

State Management

  • Introduction to state management in React.
  • Using useState and useEffect hooks.

Routing with React Router

  • Installing and configuring React Router.
  • Setting up routes and navigation.
  • URL parameters and nested routes.

Context and Hooks

  • Understanding the Context API for state management.
  • Deep dive into custom hooks.
  • Best practices for managing complex state.

Styling in React

  • CSS-in-JS solutions (e.g., styled-components).
  • CSS Modules and traditional CSS.

Handling Forms in React

  • Controlled components and form validation.
  • Form libraries (e.g., Formik).

API Integration

  • Making API requests with fetch or Axios.
  • Using useEffect for data fetching.
  • Handling API responses and errors.

Testing in React

  • Introduction to testing libraries (e.g., Jest and React Testing Library).
  • Writing unit and integration tests for React components.

Authentication and Authorization

  • Implementing user authentication in a React app.
  • Role-based access control and private routes.


  • Preparing your app for deployment.

Duration 50 Hours

Fees 14999

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