Lakmé Academy grooms our Students

By Gayatri S. Nair on 21st January 2020

Lakmé, the iconic Indian cosmetic brand, conducted a session on Grooming at Orisys Academy. They are paramount in skincare and beauty products in India and to have them at our academy was a massive opportunity
for our students.

The team consisted of Ms Meenakshi S Nair and Ms Remya Aravind. Ms Meenakshi is the director of Lakmé Academy, Trivandrum and Ms Remya is the Senior Make-Up Trainer.

Our students, some of whom are novices about skincare, was able to understand the basics and the importance of skincare. Ms Remya explained in detail about different skin types, it’s care and the need for personal grooming for Interviews at the corporate sector. She threw some light on dressing for interviews and its aesthetic aspects.

Just the theory class would not have done the job! The team conducted a practical session, about make-up, on one of our students. This session gave a better understanding of what was explained during the theoretical session.

Later, about a dozen students came up with queries about Skincare, Make-up and Hair related issues. Ms Remya made sure their doubts are cleared and also provided them with add-on information.

Here, at Orisys Academy, we develop our students in every possible aspect. We’ve methodical Curriculum, Professional Management staffs, Qualified Trainers, but we want to give even more to our students. This grooming session was one such Add-On and it will have positive impacts in their progress.

2 thoughts on "Lakmé Academy grooms our Students"

By Radhika on 22nd January 2020

I love Lakme
Do you have Beautician courses? I would like to join

    By admin on 8th February 2020

    Currently we don’t have the Beautician courses.

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