
Don’t Complain, if you didn’t get a job!

By Suraj M Rengan on 10th June 2020

No one told you to learn using WhatsApp, FB, Instagram, TikTok, Helo, Snapchat Etc and you didn’t even attend any training for the same, still you all are master of these apps but, then why you complain that no one told you about learning Soft skills?

If you are doing your graduation, you may read this. (Even I am talking about the proud drop outs) You are busy with your studies and enjoying the best part of your life.

You realise FB is important. You installed it and you are very active sharing your stories, adding friends of friends, creating pages, hosting watch parties, even why you did not brush your teeth today!

You then realise that Instagram may make you popular with you photos /posts! You like to be recognised. Excellent. You indirectly sell yourselves. You post the best of yourselves in the best of attire and wears your unparalleled attitude.

Your crazy 5 sec video in TikTok or Youtube is viewed by a million people and you are a celebrity for a day. You forget your inhibitions, your shyness and at the end of final year, you expect to get a job perfect. You may get it.

If you do not get it, do not complain, if you have not installed some APP that helps your soft skills – Communication, Aptitude, Analytical, problem solving, interview tips etc.

In Europe/ US Students undergo a psychometric assessment to map their Aptitude, Intelligence, Interest and Personality on a scale that decides which career/ business/ course etc to choose from! It is a long test and very successful in deciding your future career! Numerous apps are available for the same too.

Do not tell that no one told you to improve your communication skills. At least now I am telling you. If you don’t find any, ask google. They can suggest!

Resources (Employees) handling multilingual proficiency is highly welcomed by MNCs than their professional or mandatory skills which can be imparted though an in-house training! Foreign language proficient candidate is a hot cake so try using apps that help you gain that talent.

Also, try to understand what the real world expects from you and learn those skills. Recruitments in the world will be now onwards be differentiated into pre and post covid. Mark my words the world is moving towards a GIG Economy where you will be treated as a commodity and rated on a scale of 1 to 10 with user reviews from your past employer or current employer. Employees with higher rating will be hired by MNCs first and soon it will spread to startups too.

Gain skills after skills, gain certifications after certifications, attend webinars that suit your aptitude and align with your skills or topup your knowledge level. You have hell lot time.

Same as you tried impressing your wannabe friends with all the Social
Media apps use the same skill to impress your employer to grab your dream job and secure your career!

Don’t wait for the job, the that particular job you “like” because if that is so it must be your father’s company or you should own it or you should be the key man in the same. Till you are experienced to the level of proficiency that industry demands SHUT UP and GET INTO A JOB or mind your “own business”.

Please don’t miss your chance!! Don’t complain, because you don’t have the right to complain!

One thought on "Don’t Complain, if you didn’t get a job!"

By Jo on 4th April 2021

Great msg for us.. It’s really awesome.. Time to change…i hope it is helps lots of lives like me..

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