
Blockchain- Intro

By Nayana B on 29th July 2022

Blockchain technology is booming and could be said as the future in the world as per the current scenario.In simple words, Blockchain is a system of recording information that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. This technology enhances flexibility, security issues, and even data transfer processing due to its advantages.

 So, We the Orisys Academy for Skill Development and Research had conducted a virtual meeting of Blockchain intro for our dedicated software developers. The meeting was on 29/07/2022 at 03.30PM-04.30 PM. The session was handled by Vijith P, The Blockchain developer at  OrisysIndia Consultancy Services LLP.

The meeting discussed topics like Web3, Nodes, Cryptography, Encryption, Hashing, Public and Private blockchain etc. and why this is the future of digital pieces of information. 

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