

By Remya R on 16th January 2021

The session on IoT was arranged at ORISYS ACADEMY, led by trainers from HELYX HUMBOLT was really obliging.

Being from an electronics background I personally had a thorough understanding about the circuit boards, computing boards and the ports used in it. But was completely unaware of how  to use them practically .The advanced technologies which could be used in collaboration with whatever  basic knowledge we have and the connections involved in them.  I was able to help my friends with the connections in bread boards.

The session led by the trainer from HELYX HUMBOLT was really helpful for us.  They make use of  latest technology and incorporates it in daily life of common man. In my point of view the pro and con of technology is that, it advances day by day, but are common people able to make full use of it? If not what is the point of ongoing researches in this field? We could possibly be still using the same old technology. This is where advancements like IoT helps. From turning off power in your absence to detecting the presence of unknown in your private space, IoT has a lot to offer.  That too using a simple circuitry with a logic even a common man can understand.

 Mr. Vishnu Harikumar who handled the sessions explained about the advancements and scope of IoT in the automation field. And how basic coding skills and knowledge could make building   IoT products much easier. We got a wonderful opportunity to work as a team building our own simple projects using an Arduino board, servo and the Blynk app.

It really brought in a collaborative environment. We whole heartedly thank all co-ordinators who arranged this session in this busy schedule.

The article is written by Ms. Remya, an ongoing batch student of JSD at Orisys Academy for Skill Development and Research which provides skill development and training for young aspiring youth helping them fill their skill gap before entering the employment market. Around 300 youth are already successfully skilled, trained and placed and still counting.

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